Virginia Moms for Change (VMFC) started as an Instagram account with its first post on March 31, 2023. Born out of outrage, we knew something had to change. Just one month later, on May 1st, VMFC became a Virginia 501c4. A 501c4 is a not-for-profit social welfare organization operating in the political space. Virginia Moms for Change is committed to ending gun violence in the Commonwealth and in our nation.

In under four months, our entirely volunteer-run organization has built a website, planned 2 events, created roughly 50 pieces of educational content, started a newsletter, and inspired countless phone calls to our representatives. The speed at which we have mobilized is a testament to how deeply parents care about protecting their children.
Currently, we are run by a board of 5 moms and backed up by over 20 volunteers. We care deeply about all kids and are committed to making a difference in our community. We also would like to acknowledge that, currently, our board is entirely made up of white women. Virginia Moms for Change recognizes that gun violence disproportionately impacts communities of color. We are actively focusing on methods to broaden our diversity, including engaging with organizations and leaders who are dedicated to uplifting communities of color. If this is a topic that resonates with you, and you know how we can be more successful in expanding our reach across people of all backgrounds, please connect with us at
With that, we would like to introduce you to the five moms who compromise the first Board of Virginia Moms for Change.

Carolyn - Founder
I'm a stay at home mom to two young girls. I taught 4th grade in Henrico and Chesterfield counties for 5 years and then spent time working in marketing and operations for a startup.
I started Virginia Moms for Change because I was sick of the same loop - a shooting happens, I cry, I donate, and then life goes on until the next one. We can no longer wait around. Activism is part of my daily life and I invite you to make it part of yours.

Maribeth - Founder
I’ve spent my career in startups but, like all of you, my most important job is being a mom to my young son. As we continue waking up to mass shooting after mass shooting, that job—being a parent—is getting harder than ever. None of us can afford to watch from the sidelines any longer. The need to demand change and create a safer world for all our children couldn’t be greater and, thankfully, most Americans agree. Do we know exactly what we’re doing? No, but together we’ll figure it out. We have to. And I hope you'll join us, because this will take all of us.

Sarah - Board Member + Volunteer Coordinator
Currently a SAHM with my daughters, I previously worked in higher education. From processing the Columbine massacre when I was an elementary schooler to my career working with international students who feared for their safety while studying in this country, it’s hard to remember a time when I haven’t been worrying about gun violence. I now feel that fear more acutely as a mom, and I’m also more determined to fight for change. Join us in becoming regular advocates for gun violence prevention.

Mary Bowen - Board Member + Volunteer Coordinator
I will never forget when I walked into office hours as a student at UVA, saw a news report of 2 gun deaths at Virginia Tech, left office hours, and the number was 32. It felt like my stomach and my heart both fell out of my body. My best friend was there, and I didn’t know if she was alive or dead. I did not accept the norm of gun violence then, and I do not accept it now.
All of us have the power to be agents of change, and we have an obligation to do so. I want to make this world a safer place - for my daughters and husband, for my sister and my best friends, for my neighbors, for myself, for everyone - we all deserve better. And we can make it better, together.

Nicky - Board Member + Research & Education Coordinator
I am a mom of two young boys, and my passion for gun violence prevention has only grown since they came into my life. I have had the honor and privilege of serving two Virginia governors and helping to lead the fight against gun violence alongside incredible organizations and volunteers. Together, we passed the first gun violence prevention laws in decades and were able to award millions in funding for local gun violence prevention initiatives. Since leaving government, I knew I had to find a way to continue the fight so children like my boys can grow up safe from gun violence. I'm so proud to join Virginia Moms for Change and I hope you will too!
Virginia Moms for Change is grateful you are here and we invite you to reach out to if you would like to learn more.