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Celebrating Victory: The 2023 General Assembly Election


Updated: Nov 20, 2023

We have exciting news to share—the 2023 Virginia General Assembly Election results are in, and it's a win for gun violence prevention! Virginia Democrats have not only retained control of the Senate but have also successfully retaken the House of Delegates. This victory holds significant implications for the safety and well-being of our communities.

Securing Groundbreaking Gun Control Laws

The Democratic majorities in the House and Senate ensure the preservation of groundbreaking gun violence prevention laws passed in 2020. This means that for the next two years, Virginia can continue its commitment to common-sense gun control legislation, proven to be effective in reducing gun violence in the state.

Studies, such as the one cited from PubMed, highlight the positive impact of such laws on curbing gun violence. Not only does Virginia benefit from these measures, but strong gun laws also contribute to the safety of neighboring states and Washington, DC..

A Note of Congratulations

We would like to congratulate the 37 of 53 candidates endorsed by Virginia Moms for Change who won their races. We cannot wait to see what the January 2024 session holds. Notably, the number of women and mothers has grown tremendously and we are thrilled to have their perspectives in the General Assembly!

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

However, the fight for gun violence prevention is not without challenges. Governor Glenn Youngkin has made it clear he will not sign new gun violence prevention legislation. With Democratic majorities in both chambers, our collective efforts become even more crucial. It's essential for us to reiterate the importance of these issues and make it difficult for the Governor to veto policies that could save lives.

What's Next for Virginia Moms for Change

As we look ahead, our new state legislature is set to commence its work on Wednesday, January 10. Virginia Moms for Change will be closely monitoring proposed gun bills, keeping you informed about the legislation we support and oppose. Expect calls to action as we encourage you to write and call your representatives.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Lastly, we want to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Thank you for voting, donating, and volunteering. Thank you for using your voices to stand up against the gun lobby. Your actions have made a tangible difference in making Virginia safer for our kids, neighbors, and all of us.

You hold the power to create real change in our state and country. Your commitment has already made a positive impact, and together, we can continue to shape a safer, more compassionate future.

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