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Ammo Vending Machines Just Made Being a Parent a Little Harder


Though it might seem surprising to a non-parent that the Surgeon General recently declared parenting “hazardous to your health,” if you have children yourself, you probably know what he’s referring to.


It’s no longer enough to teach kids manners, empathy, and morals. Now parents also have to teach them how to live healthy, safe lives, despite a barrage of addictive, omnipresent digital delights at their fingertips. Back in the 80s and 90s, parents warned against smoking and hard drugs. Today, children need to be aware of super-potent edibles, not revealing too much information or images digitally, school shooters, and more. No wonder kids and parents are feeling the anxiety more than ever.


Companies like TikTok, Juul (vape pens), Facebook, and more don’t care about how their products affect children; all they focus on is their bottom line. Not to be outdone, American Rounds recently became one more company from which parents need to protect their kids.


American Rounds’ “innovative” new way to increase access to ammunition


Because online and digital gun retailers apparently aren’t satisfying demand for bullets, American Rounds has elected to fill that void with its ammunition vending machines. In a Newsweek interview, CEO Grant Magers shared that "We have over 200 store requests for AARM [Automated Ammo Retail Machine] units covering approximately nine states currently and that number is growing daily.”


He claims that the machines are equipped with “state-of-the-art ID scanners combined with facial recognition before a transaction can be made” to prevent underage purchase.


Really? What’s to stop someone from legally buying the rounds and then selling or giving to a minor? Apparently, that’s not American Rounds’ problem; it’s up to the parents to prevent this from happening.


Make a difference by raising your voice


We live in a country where every parent––no matter what their income, race, or geographic area––always has a thought in the back of their mind when dropping their children off at school: Will this be the day tragedy strikes at my child’s school? Will I be the one sobbing on national television while politicians offer “thoughts and prayers” and then go on to ignore atrocities like ammunition vending machines and blame others for not upholding gun laws?


Make a difference. Tell your politician you DO NOT, under any circumstances, want ammunition vending machines in your community.

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